Friday, March 5, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti

Days of Praise in Haiti

Many admit that Haiti in general was ill prepared for an earthquake or any disaster of this magnitude. But the Christians were prepared and responded with a strong witness for Christ.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper commented about the people and what they were doing. After hundreds of thousands were crushed to death and even before family members could be accounted for, the people gathered in open places and sang hymns and songs and praises. They prayed and worshiped their Holy God, the God of Heaven.

Haiti was perhaps the most prepared for this disaster! For decades ministries like the Gospel Tract Society and churches without number have evangelized Haiti, fighting the battle between good and evil, of God and Satan. For decades the Gospel was preached and throngs were discipled. That was a success, for when the plates of the earth’s mantle shifted 6 miles below the surface, and concrete crumbled and fell, taking many lives with it, what was the response of those left in ruin? Yes, they sang in the streets.

What was the response of the civil government? At the one-month anniversary of Haiti’s earthquake, its president Rene Preval, called for three days of holiday from work for the purpose of prayer and fasting. We didn’t see it on the news, but Tom Buttram of the Gospel Tract Society heard from people in Haiti that it had happened. Stores and stations were closed and prayer and worship took place. A country dedicated to worship of Voodo saints may soon become a truly Christian nation, as God brings to the overcomers beauty for ashes.

– excerpts from the Gospel Tract Harvester, Feb/Mar. 2010, pages 10, 22