Friday, May 14, 2010



Usually this question makes us think of Christ’s return. He is coming soon to take the church out of this world. As conditions deteriorate even here in America, we tell ourselves that Jesus will come for us before things get really bad.

But that is not the question we should be asking. Are we ready to stand for Jesus when persecution really comes on strong, when our freedoms as Americans may be limited? Or are we just looking for an escape from the realities of life in this increasingly secular society?

God never promised that we would not suffer for our faith in Him. Christians in countries like China, Africa, and India have suffered greatly and have refused to deny Christ. Churches there have been burned and believers have died. Many children have been left as orphans because their parents would not give up their faith in Jesus.

We sheltered Americans and others in free countries tend to think that our constitutional freedoms will protect us from having to suffer any extreme persecution. We look to politics to keep our freedoms safe. We look for revival to keep our churches strong.

But maybe that is not God’s plan. Perhaps severe persecution will come as our culture becomes even more secularized, and when we begin to stand firm against all opposition, revival will spring up in our midst.

True Christians are different. They are loyal to Christ even when the laws change against them. The world does not like that. The world today demands conformity. We need courage and determination to refuse to lower our standards.

When we speak up for Jesus in the face of opposition, our hearts are warmed and strengthened. God promises a special joy for those who proclaim His truth during times of persecution. This is revival.

Are we ready? If we are not speaking up for Jesus now, how will we do it when conditions become harder, when believers are openly discriminated against by their neighbors and leaders?

We need to prepare for these difficult times that are coming to America. Let your friends and neighbors know now that you are a follower of Jesus. Speak His name in your conversations.

You do not need to become a street preacher. Just offer a little Bible tract to people you meet, even to clerks who wait on you in stores. If we let people know we love Jesus, our own hearts will be warmed and revived. Our faith will become stronger, more fervent. And unbelievers will see that God is real and working in their midst. They will pay more attention and some may turn to the Lord. A great awakening could result.

Take your stand for Jesus now and it will not be so difficult when the hard times come.

Are we ready? To have genuine revival we must first repent of all hidden sin and let God's Spirit fill us and use us. We also need to be telling people that God loves them. This will help us be ready for the return of our Savior and Lord. This is the way to revival.

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